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A member registered Aug 31, 2020

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Two words: holy f*ck! I can't wait for more of this story! The relationship between the M/C and Mathias is so compelling. 

  • What's your favorite character?

Excluding my M/C (because the way you've written their dialogue is amazing), Mathias is my favorite. I'm looking forward to seeing his personality develop more.

  • Did you try the different options, or did you follow only one path?

I tried several paths, although I'm not sure if I've gotten all of them.

  • What do you think of the black and white aesthetic?

I quite like it. It's unique and it adds charm to the game.

  • Would you like to see more colored CGs, like the one at the end of chapter one?

I wouldn't mind them. I am a sucker for black and white, but the end CG was quite pretty.

Side note- your writing is amazing and I'm definitely going to check out your Wattpad.

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You'll have to fish around in the files a bit to get the ending. In the folder the game is located in there should be some files you can move around/delete. This aspect is crucial to the next few parts of the game.

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If anyone has updates on what's going on with the calling card, let me know!

So far I have: 

- Named myself "3141"

- Put "735" (the numbers in the script version of the pdf) into the phone

- Changed the (#) file to "3141"

- Turned on self voicing + text to speech and moused over/clicked on her mouth (someone told me that in the PDF the words/numbers are where her mouth is, cannot verify because I cannot turn the file into a PDF for some reason)

So far nothing has happened, but I'm convinced there must be some secret we've yet to find!